
- Joint Worship of Our Incredible, Indescribable, Indispensable Tri-une God - Sunday Morning Service at 9:30am.

 - Children's Church: Sunday mornings during service

- Open Arms Ministry - (On request) provision of food and support to the needy.

- Small Groups: Various groups every week (day and evening)       
  Our whole church is based on cell groups of various types:  We   
  have groups based on affinity; connection groups whose sole purpose  
  is to help people connect deeply with one another & with Jesus;
  action groups which seek to help people grow in their ministry to others;
  and a multiplication group which seeks to foster spiritual multiplication in
   and through our discipling ministries. Above all we want our groups to
  be fellowships of the heart where our lives are increasingly set free.      

- Women's: Study group / Social  group / Craft Group / Fellowship   

- Mentoring Program:
 We have more than a dozen Christian
  mentors available to meet with those who are younger in their faith